Rabu, 30 Oktober 2013

The Story Successful Retail Developer

I  am interesting about the back page  China Daily yesterday ( 25-31.Oct 2013). About The Retail Developer  Thailand. She is Chadatip Chutrakul, The second-generations Chief  Executive of Thai Retail Developer Siam Piwat, has a simple Business philosophy.  " If you can't do it the best, don't do it," She says.

What's wonderful about She? She is High-fliying businesswoman to find herself as head of conglomerate in Thailand. She thinked Thailand is open to any achievements, whetever we Are men or women. As well as its female Shinawatra, Thailand has a number of women heading big banks and businesses. The key to running a successful shopping mall is new ideas. She told that we can never stop **thinking**. Her Business philosophy really amuzed. " Obstacles Are just part of your daily life. The bigger The business, The bigger Are the problems you'll face . Just take it seriously, but lightly.

Lastly, She told that the easiest way to handle people is to think about them before yourself. That's how you'll learn a new thing every day.  If you are going to start somethings new, like revitalize yourself, you should do it here. A well said.

Beautiful Birthday Poem About Family

I love you Mama                                              I  love you  Abah
You're Someone I can count on.                      You're carry half of our genetik makeup
You're warm and loving.                                  You're The model for his daughters and sons
You always understand.                                     You will choose a man who is like him                          

I love you My lil brother, Adik
No amount of golf could even compare to
The gift of love that My brother share
This birthday I promise you a great gift

Such as a miracle days. Happy 48th Mama(2nd Nov 2013),Happy 55th Abah (30th Nov2013) and Happy 18th Adik ( 20 th Nov 2013). The way to make me feel old again.

Selasa, 29 Oktober 2013

SnowDynasty: A Miracle Experience and journey UNIRAZAK

SnowDynasty: A Miracle Experience and journey UNIRAZAK: Everything started on 17 th September 2012 , when I move to a new heading . Universiti Tun Abdul Razak (UNIRAZAK) the name given is like whistling songsang and rhythms The resonate in the ears and memory. I am grateful to the Almighty to be given another chance to continue the dream and vision of life that I always dreamed about. Such as opportunity will not miss me as someone who is Known as a "human".

First time to know all highly knowlegeable lecturers and colleagues I never miss. I may look different   from the rest in terms of mindset. But, I'm proud to be yourself because it is most Beautiful creation of God as human being. So Are able recognize all The Staff  and other students at  the basic level, and PhD degree in and outside The campus is the best experience for me.

Al through the facilities and University Management systems is still in the learning  stage and need many reforms need to be done, I do not think it's a problem or a burden. My campus not be covering the football field or cold like a swimming Pool. Privileges have here is knowledge, joy and sorrow as a student, an opportunity to know other people from different religious and cultures, meet great friends and see a new world.

I greatly appreaciate the  opportunity to feel the University and it is a stepping stone before I movie on to the next career and to the top of PhD level EDUCation in the near future. Here is My best friend I know, a women named Hamida from Libya, Shea Chan Kong, a post graduate Student from Science of Malaysia University (USM) and Kim Morgan, 50 from Melbourne, Australia. We have The same mindset even different cultures.

In here, my journey is starting. I see a lot of things like more different . That's much more to know how we.can survice ourself while we getting adult. I liked very much this journey in UNIRAZAK because gave me a lot change to see a public figure around the world.

For this moments, I would like to thankful for all my inspiration in my life especially My family, My Fellow friends around The world, our Vice Chancellor, Prof Datuk Dr Zabid, The CEO of Yayasan Cemerlang Ass. Prof. Dr Hafriza, Dr Yap Ching Seng, Sir Andreas, Ms Dylane and Ms Graceful, Dr Omaima, Prof Dr Syed Omar, Prof Datuk Dr Amin Khan, all professor in the lecturers series until right now, The wonderful Staff UNIRAZAK Ms Siti Saaniah and Mr Sunny, The famous blogger in Malaysia, Mr Beautiful Nara Nazuwan for everythings. Enjoy The Life. Cheers! Thank You.

Jumat, 01 Februari 2013

The Best Pet for A Family With Children

I think pets are a good therapy for families and children. I have a pet cat. It is named Damia Farah. It was a year and a half. We call it “adik eby”. It is very active, friendly and good with us.

I describe it as a pet loyal friend of our lives. Because it is so familiar and understand what we mean when joy and sorrow. I personally do when I have free time, like to talk and sleep with my cat. My cat is very clean. Our family always bathe and perform inspections for Damia at veterinar clinic.

Pet as an entertainer. My siblings like to play small ball with Damia. It's happy and running along my sister. Looks familiar and special. My father was involved. My family are happy. When the father came home from work, It know the sound of my dad car, it immediately wait in the parking. Once, the memories can not be forgotten, the my cat would like to follow our family vacation and want to get in the car. It is in itself and is in car steering. But, when my father start the engine, my cat cry to come out.

My cat likes to float and fish meal. We bought a chain for Damia more than 5 times. But all is lost because Damia like walking into a neighbor's house. Each time the chain missing, she called my mama. I bought another new one. For now, Damia not provided new chain. Damia favorite food is whiskies.

Pets are an inspiration for life. That's all up to each family. My family was one of the hardcore fans of animals called cats.

Eby was slept... So tired ya!

Aidella for MAMA RAH & Eby.. Just play ok :)