Rabu, 30 Oktober 2013

The Story Successful Retail Developer

I  am interesting about the back page  China Daily yesterday ( 25-31.Oct 2013). About The Retail Developer  Thailand. She is Chadatip Chutrakul, The second-generations Chief  Executive of Thai Retail Developer Siam Piwat, has a simple Business philosophy.  " If you can't do it the best, don't do it," She says.

What's wonderful about She? She is High-fliying businesswoman to find herself as head of conglomerate in Thailand. She thinked Thailand is open to any achievements, whetever we Are men or women. As well as its female Shinawatra, Thailand has a number of women heading big banks and businesses. The key to running a successful shopping mall is new ideas. She told that we can never stop **thinking**. Her Business philosophy really amuzed. " Obstacles Are just part of your daily life. The bigger The business, The bigger Are the problems you'll face . Just take it seriously, but lightly.

Lastly, She told that the easiest way to handle people is to think about them before yourself. That's how you'll learn a new thing every day.  If you are going to start somethings new, like revitalize yourself, you should do it here. A well said.

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